Monday, August 11, 2008

Building Permit Approved, Concrete Tomorrow!

I got a voice mail this morning from Sue at Farmington City saying there were just two more issues on the lot layout that needed to be resolved, then the permit could be issued. One was the label for the floor height needing to be 4223', which I talked about with Ken at the city last month, and he agreed it could be 4222.54, which it is. It turns out he had checked that one off, but Sue didn't notice.

The other issue was that we needed to show the detail on the lot layout for a water retention area. I made it to the office just before closing time, and Ken helped me sketch it in along the Northeast corner of the lot. We just drew some curvy lines to indicate berms 40' along the back and 20' along the East side, then labeled it as 1' deep. Presto, building permit approved.

It turns out Farmington City doesn't accept credit cards, so this major purchase won't help get us to Tahiti. It also means we have to either get a whole bunch of cash or a check, neither of which I had with me, and there was no time before closing to figure a way to get either. We can't afford to wait for a draw from the bank before getting the permit and scheduling the footings, so I plan to use a "convenience" check that will put it on the credit card account, but won't earn us any reward points. Citi says there won't be a balance transfer fee for this check, which I hope holds true.

Derik also called this afternoon to check on the permit status. It turns out their project in Eden is not going quite as planned, and they wanted to start our footings tomorrow instead of Wednesday. With the permit verbally approved, they went ahead and added us to the schedule.

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